A Message from Our Presidents

August 2019 – Greetings from Friends Of Pacific Beach Secondary Schools (FOPBSS) And Welcome To The 2019/2020 School Year….It’s going to be Awesome!!

FOPBSS parent volunteers are already working to make this a great year for our students. But quite honestly, WE NEED YOU! 

Please join us for our first FOPBSS meeting of the year on Wednesday, August 28, at 5:30 at the Mission Bay Yacht Club.  Adult beverages and lite snacks will be provided.  This is a great opportunity to meet other parents, the Principals and teacher representatives.  Find out what we are doing to make this year Awesome! 

We have many opportunities for parents to get involved whether you have 30 minutes a month or 3 hours a week to help out.  We have the right fit for you.  

There are many ways that you can help us reach of financial goals to provide the best educational environment and experiences for our students.  This year, our goal is 100% participation from all families during our contribution drive.  Whether it’s $5 or $5,0000-every bit helps.  Donate through our website or by sending in the yellow donation envelope that will be coming home with your student.  You can also donate through Paypal Giving Fund.

We also need your help identifying community sponsors.  Please check with your employer to see if they have an employee matching program.  Corporations such as UPS, Dell and QUALCOMM offer such programs.  Perhaps you have a connection with a business or corporation that might financially sponsor our schools or provide merchandise or services for our fundraisers.

Please sign up with Amazon Smile.  It’s free and every time you shop on Amazon Smile, Amazon donates to your charity (Mission Bay High School Community Foundation).  We still collect Box Tops.  They can be dropped at MBHS or PBMS office.

For up to date information, please check out our new website (it’s still a work in progress but getting more awesome every day!!)  There is a link on each of our school’s websites or go to fobsss.org.  A great way to support FOPBSS is to participate in our fundraising events.  Please check the website for upcoming auctions, 5K Run, Beachfest and Taste of North  P.B.   You can always reach us by email at mbhsfriends@Yahoo.com

With your help, we are looking forward to an amazing school year.

Warm Regards,

Kari Lee Archer and Dawna Deatrick, FOPBSS Co-Presidents

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